prinka gosh @prinka Post from: Mobile Profession - Student

Mt Mahadev 🕉️🛕🙏🚩❤️

Gomukh-Tapovan is one the best treks in India. During the trek one can get a mighty view of Mt. Shivling right from base to its summit.

Region: Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand
Duration: 6-8 Days
Grade: Moderate-Difficult
Max Alt: 14,202 ft.
#rebelamit #thehimalayas #Lordkrishnapainting . #lordkrishno #shivamypic #dharmajeetchandra #lordkrishno #uttarakhandheaven #uttarkashidiaries #gangotridham #gomukh #trekkingindia #himalayansalt #travelgangtok

dipty kur @dipty Post from: Web Profession - Repoter

If one needs leadership class in adversity, go to #GabbarSinghNegi . He ensured 40 men who were trapped w/ him in #Uttarkashi tunnel remained calm. Mr. Negi taught them yoga, ensured they remained active & committed that being senior would be last to be rescued.

🫡 for Mr. Negi!

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