Tania Chakraborty
Post from: Mobile

Yuki Mori
Post from: Mobile

हमेशा खुद की तारीफ़ करनी चाहिए
बुराई करने के लिए तो जमाना #self 😱😱😱

Do you have any #Endangered species in your region, would love to see them.. Please feel free to share and comment.
A large, powerful falcon inhabits of grasslands & mountainsides to open woodlands.
Saker Falcon
#ThePhotoHour #IndiAves #birds

Tania Chakraborty
Post from: Mobile

thoughts of yesterday rumble
in every dancing bolt of energy
across a sacrificial sky
tepid droplets of moisture awaken
senses seek to breathe another day
thunder rings out loudly
calling out my name
water falling down gentle
eyes wide open
catching every part
of beautiful you👍😁